Author: Coach Geet

  • 5 Reasons Why You Need a Business Coach

    5 Reasons Why You Need a Business Coach

    Being an Entrepreneur has its own rewards, Most people choose to start their business to craft a Life of Freedom for themselves; However, in most cases, they end up becoming a slave to their enterprise. A Coach (A Life Coach or a Business Coach) will help you here to get your freedom back in your…

  • 7 Areas where coaching works

    7 Areas where coaching works

    Reasons for you to connect with me Career & Career Transition Are you someone who was sure of what you wanted to be? or did you chose what came your way? Either way, the times changed, You progressed and after years, you reached a standstill. Do you feel Frustrated all the time or progressed as…

  • Ultimate Failure in Life – a Myth or Reality?

    Ultimate Failure in Life – a Myth or Reality?

    The expression on the topic is an outcome of splendid responses on my Linkedin and Facebook Timeline from many of you on “When is it…..That a person has completely failed in life????” What we all cumulatively agreed is that failure is only a temporary, Its a Feeling of having lost and with most of us…

  • Coffee with a Coach

    Coffee with a Coach

    Let’s explore what coaching can do for you; This is an Invitation for a Tete-a-tete, a Chit-Chat to come together to put a finger to what you want. This is an Invitation for a cup of coffee with a coach. Coaching is for you if you want to answer….. If no one judged you, who…

  • Reasons to Hire a Coach?

    Reasons to Hire a Coach?

    The difference between action and inaction is of a Compelling reason.   Some of my Clients shared with me the reasons of what made them sign up to work with me as a coach. In this Article, i am sharing with you a Compilation of reasons that have compelled different people to work with a…

  • Life After Becoming A Coach

    Life After Becoming A Coach

    I was always intrigued by people from varied backgrounds choosing to be a coach and came to an astounding realisation that I was limited in my thinking that ‘ONLY’ HR & Training professionals would choose to be a Certified Professional Coach. Since these compassionate people committed to working towards transforming lives of people around them…

  • Is it Anxiety or Overthinking?

    Is it Anxiety or Overthinking?

    We all love to believe that we “Think a Lot”, and any one who says “you think a lot” mostly will make you agree or feel good. In my words the other person was able to break the ice with you. But what if i say that you don’t think enough? I have chosen very…

  • Work Life Balance – A Myth or Reality?

    Work Life Balance – A Myth or Reality?

    This question have bothered me too in past when i had a regular job, I used to think “Is there something wrong with my work life balance? ” Is it okay that i spend more time at work? Am i okay? I chose to do something about it and could only see clearly what i…

  • Are you Standing Still in Life?

    Are you Standing Still in Life?

    Time is Ruthless, and some even call it an Enemy. Of course Time waits for no body, stops for no one, Because all it knows is to Run at its consistent speed and it always do it well with finesse and Mastery. Time is the best teacher and the lesson is keep the focus come…

  • I HATE MY JOB….🙄

    I HATE MY JOB….🙄

    This is something I have heard from many; And many wanted to shout it out on top of their lungs! And the underlying emotions could be overwhelming! Are you among them too??? Ask yourself “What part or aspects of your job do you hate? The usual answer I receive… Everything! “I hate my work, I…